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Emily Wessel

Hi! I’m Emily Wessel, I design fun-to-knit patterns and helpful technique tutorials. I live in Edinburgh, Scotland with my husband and two kids, where I like to run, knit, learn languages, and hang out with friends. I am co-founder and designer at Tin Can Knits -


  1. Montse
    January 19, 2021 @ 2:00 am

    Para autodidactas como yo vuestra página es una gran ayuda, gracias y seguid proporcionando tutoriales estupendos. Un abrazo desde España.

  2. karenmhaag
    January 14, 2021 @ 11:24 am

    What a great resource! Only problem…when will I have time to add another project? Which one will I choose!? What yarn in my stash is just begging to become a hat? Is there a new to me process? haha! Thank you for all you do for knitters, new and experienced alike!

  3. fagot
    January 14, 2021 @ 9:27 am

    Thanks for that page.
    Exactly what I needed. A smalll project for a new technics. One of my goal this year is is to learn and incorporate fair isle in a pattern.

  4. Kathi
    January 14, 2021 @ 8:52 am

    w00t! on the EEW. I have the nano and can’t wait for the big one to arrive this spring. so much easier to control the speed which makes spinning spider spit so freaking easy.

  5. irmoknitter
    January 14, 2021 @ 7:08 am

    Awesome collection, for everyone and every skill level.

  6. lisamnoble
    December 31, 2020 @ 7:54 am

    This is such a brilliant collection – going to share it with all of my #eduknitnight crew, many of whom are looking for next steps this year! And I’ll be incredibly excited to hear about the Electric Eel Wheel adventures. Another friend is waiting for his as well.

    Thank you for always making your process transparent. As a teacher, I find it incredibly helpful to have examples to show when asking my students to do the same in their procedural writing!

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